Madekozu's FlatPress

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Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by Madekozu » Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:32 am

Ein kleines Hallo in die Runde :)

Auch ich habe nun FlatPress für mich entdeckt. Seit über 20 Jahren gibt es nun schon Webseiten von mir. Von größeren Foren bis hin zu kleineren Blogs waren da einige verschiedene Systeme am Start. Was mir in den letzten Jahren (da habe ich vor allem Wordpress und vBulletin eingesetzt) tierisch auf die Nerven gegangen ist - jedes System will Alles können. Das erinnert ein wenig an "Wir können von allen ein wenig, aber nichts richtig". Kurz vor Ostern bin ich dann (übrigens durch auf FlatPress aufmerksam geworden, hab es kurz in einer Testumgebung angetestet und war begeistert - das ist genau das, was ich suche. Ein Blogsystem ohne Schnickschnack, welches wie für mich gemacht ist.
Ich schreibe was ich denke und oft auch da, wo ich es denke. Das soll schnell und unkompliziert gehen und das macht es auch...

Thematisch war und ist meine Seite nicht wirklich einzuordnen. Ich denke mal den "Urgedanken" eines Blogs, nämlich einem Onlinetagebuch trifft es da doch am ehesten. Wie oben erwähnt - ich schreibe so, wie es mir gerade durch den Kopf schießt und auch über Themen die mich gerade beschäftigen. Ich schreibe ausnahmslos in deutscher Sprache.

Das Standard-Design hab ich einfach nur ein klein wenig umgebaut, um dem noch meine persönliche Note zu geben. Fast alles nur über die CSS, lediglich fehlende Übersetzungen im Frontend hab ich im Template geändert und die Googlefonts rausgeschmissen. Ansonsten ist es 1:1 das Leggero V2.

--- English
A little hello to everyone :)

I too have now discovered FlatPress for myself. I have had websites for over 20 years. From larger forums to smaller blogs, there were a few different systems in place. What got on my nerves in the last few years (I mainly used Wordpress and vBulletin) - every system wants to be able to do everything. It's a bit reminiscent of "We can do a little bit of everything, but nothing right". Shortly before Easter I became aware of FlatPress (through, by the way), tested it briefly in a test environment and was enthusiastic - that's exactly what I'm looking for. A no-frills blog system that's made for me.
I write what I think and often where I think it. It should be quick and easy, and that's what makes it so...

My site was and is not really classified thematically. I think the "primal idea" of a blog, namely an online diary, is the most appropriate. As mentioned above, I write whatever pops into my head and also about topics that concern me at the moment.
I write exclusively in German.

I just changed the standard design a little bit to give it my personal touch. Almost everything just about the CSS, I only changed missing translations in the frontend in the template and threw out the Googlefonts. Otherwise it is 1:1 the Leggero V2.
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Re: Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by bttr » Thu Apr 21, 2022 9:15 pm

(I'm from Germany too, but I will answer in English to make it easier for others.)

Hi Michael!

Welcome aboard! Your reasons for choosing FlatPress sound very familiar to me. And your blog looks very nice finally, although I find it a little too dark to read it easily. But everyone's different. I'll stay with the default theme for now. :D

Two more notes from me:
  • Your static pages still read "Published by Madekozu on Dienstag, 19.April 2022". :o
  • If you should be ever in need for more categories IDs, then have a look at my new ID generator, I wrote in Turbo Pascal for DOS for fun. Ab 20-30 Kategorien aufwärts macht das Tool Sinn. :mrgreen:
May the FlatPress be with you...

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Re: Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by Madekozu » Thu Apr 21, 2022 10:30 pm

Hi Robert,

Allgemein zu dunkel oder eher der Kontrast zwischen Schrift und Hintergrund ungünstig? Da werd ich wohl mal noch ein wenig mit den Farben herum spielen müssen. Mir ist es auf jeden Fall wichtig, alles stimmig mir den Hintergrund zu haben. Da schraub ich mal hier und da noch ein wenig. Ich denke mal mit der Schrift muß ich vom Schwarz bissel weg in eine andere Richtung - mal schauen was da passt. Vielleicht dreh ich es auch ein wenig um - Hintergrund dunkler und Schrift heller - das ließt sich eigentlich immer ganz angenehm. Mag "Schwarz auf Weiß" einfach nicht.

Hab ich doch glatt die static.tpl vergessen *hand auf Stirn schlag*. Vielen Dank für den Hinweis. Manchmal sieht man einfach den Wald vor lauter Bäumen nicht.


Hi Robert,

Generally too dark or is the contrast between the text and the background unfavorable? I guess I'll have to play around with the colors a bit. It's definitely important to me to have everything in the right background. I do a little tinkering here and there. I think with the writing I have to move away from the black a bit in a different direction - let's see what fits there. Maybe I'll turn it around a bit - darker background and lighter writing - that's actually always quite pleasant. Just don't like "black on white".

I forgot the static.tpl *hand on forehead*. Thanks for the hint. Sometimes you just can't see the forest for the trees.

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Re: Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by bttr » Fri Apr 22, 2022 3:31 pm

(I follow your posting style now.)

Hey Micha,

lustig, dass du die Frage stellst, denn einige Zeit nachdem ich dir geantwortet hatte, dachte ich mir ebenfalls, dass es eigentlich nicht zu dunkel, sondern tatsächlich der fehlende Kontrast ist, der das Lesen erschwert. Letztlich wirst du schon eine Farbkombination finden, die dir und deinen Stammlesern gefällt.

Wegen der static.tpl: Gern geschehen. Bevor sich mehrere Leute diese Arbeit mit der Übersetzung machen, wäre es cool, wenn wir die Änderungen direkt in den Standard mit einfließen lassen könnten. Je weniger Abweichungen vom Standard man in seinem Blog hat, desto einfacher ist ein Update einzuspielen. Mal gucken, wie Arvid sich das vorstellt.

Und das mit dem Wald dachte ich mir auch gerade als die Mailbenachrichtigung für (d)einen neuen Blog-Kommentar im Posteingang der falschen Domain ankam... :lol:


Hey Micha,

funny that you ask the question, because some time after I answered you, I also thought to myself that it is actually not too dark, but the lack of contrast that makes it hard to read. Finally, you'll find a color combination that you and your regular readers like.

About the static.tpl: You're welcome. Before several people do the work of translation, it would be cool if we could incorporate the changes directly into the standard. The less deviations from the standard you have in your blog, the easier it is to put in an update. Let's see how Arvid envisions this.

And I was thinking the same thing about the forest when the mail notification for your new blog comment arrived in the inbox at the wrong domain.... :lol:


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Re: Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by George » Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:17 pm

thats better now , easier to read
Proudly using flatpress

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Re: Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by Madekozu » Fri Apr 22, 2022 9:25 pm

Thanks for the feedback
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Re: Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by WineMan » Wed May 04, 2022 3:29 pm

I've been reading about your new blog system that you are writing...hopefully it will be available for download as I would certainly look forward to it.

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Re: Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by Madekozu » Wed May 04, 2022 4:39 pm

Currently I've put it out of my head to offer the blog system for download - but maybe I'll change my mind again - that's all still in the stars.
The reason I probably won't offer the system is because my blog doesn't have an admin area. Everything that is written in terms of content I do directly in the database with phpmyadmin. Any images or other files required for a post I upload via FTP.
In terms of programming effort, this of course saves me a lot of work - but the comfort suffers as a result. Anyone who has ever tried to use phpmyadmin on their cell phone knows what I'm talking about. It's comfortable on the PC (at least for me) - on the cell phone it's borderline.

madesblog_2022-05-04-014.png (210.52 KiB) Viewed 9345 times
madesblog_2022-05-04-013.png (219.94 KiB) Viewed 9345 times

The main reason why I'm now writing my own system again is the flexibility that all the effort entails. Currently I'm concentrating on everything that has to do with writing - the typical blog. But what if lightning strikes me overnight, I get up in the morning and think to myself: "Man, I've always wanted to manage my socks digitally in my blog" - then I sit down at the computer and start digital sock management for Made's Building a blog and that, no other system can offer me that.
But that also means that this system is really tailored to me. When creating a post (they are written in HTML), errors can also occur, which in a "normal" system are ideally corrected by the built-in parser (forgot to close a tag or something) - in my system this means that it can shoot up the entire page (at least the one post) and you have to sit down and look for errors. On the other hand, that is exactly the great freedom within my contributions that I write there. I can run PHP or other stuff in the posts as I please, but I can also build errors that the system doesn't notice - always has two sides. One of them is - if you want to write an article with the system, you have to know html. Otherwise, the words you write just stick together, without paragraphs, etc.
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Re: Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by WineMan » Wed May 04, 2022 5:35 pm

Thanks for the update. I'm familiar enough with HTML to be able to make my posts using phpmyadmin. I guess I will have to wait and see what you decide about making available for download.

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Re: Madekozu's FlatPress

Post by Madekozu » Thu May 05, 2022 5:14 pm

I had received inquiries as to whether I would offer "my" style (it is and will remain a Leggero V2) as a download. Yes, I will and you will find it there:

The instructions are in German, but Google already does it ;)
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